Thursday, September 11, 2008



1. The qualities of a good leader is one of the play's important themes. To explore this theme, students can do one or more of the following:

• Discuss the qualities possessed by a good leader. Generate a list of these qualities

Make a list of the leadership qualities that the class feels are legitimate. Compare and contrast the two lists and compile one list of leadership qualities that the class feels a good leader should have. Prioritize the list.

• Examine the effect a leader's domestic relationships, physical condition, and/or athletic ability may have on his or her leadership abilities.

A Good Leader

  • Persuasive
  • Responsible
  • Strength (mental)
  • Initiative: Able to take control
  • Loyal
  • Support common "man"
  • Serve others
  • Just
  • Trustworthy
  • Educated/ Intelligent
  • Political Understanding
  • Experience
  • Feared/ Respected
  • Foreign Policy
  • Confident
  • Courageous
  • Charasmatic

2. Friendship is another major theme in the play. Explore this theme by answering the following questions:

• How far would you go to stop a friend from harming your country?

I wouldn't kill my friend, but I would stand in front of them and make them decide if they wouldn't care about losing a friend too then. I would go to the farthest extent to stop my friend from harming my country.

• How far would you go to obtain revenge on someone or some group who destroyed your best friend?

I would make a humorous attack on them, but they wouldn't be laughing, I would be. No deaths would take place, or any other such thing would happen. I would just play a prank, and that would teach them not to mess with my friend.

• Is there anything for which you would betray a friend?

I have made a horrible mistake betraying my friend for a guy, and now our friendship is never going to be the same. I wouldn't betray my friend for anything though.

• Which is more important to you, friendship or personal principles? Why?

Friendship, because good friends don't come around often and I would hate losing them. I would rather have people I have laugh and enjoy myself with, than my personal principles which sometimes get in the way of most things.

3. One of the most sensitive issues in the play is suicide. Research attitudes toward suicide held by the following cultures: ancient Roman, modern Japanese, and modern American. Compare and contrast these attitudes in class presentations or in written essays.

Suicide is a common case all over the world, and most people just feel like living is holding them back from real happiness. They don't know how to overcome that attitude they have on life. They are always depressed, and everything in life just makes them want to kill themselves. Those kind of people have serious issues that need to be talked about.


  • going to HELL!! (Christian Bible)
  • Depressed
  • An act of selfishness
  • Death.
  • Weakness
  • Unresolved endings
  • Running away from a problem
  • Escape
  • Easy way out
  • Pressure
  • Stress
  • Fear
  • Peace
  • Neglect
  • Outcast


  • Honorable
  • Never surrender to your enemy
  • Eastern
  • Sacrifice


  • Arete
  • And everything under the Japanese's list

4. The role of fate and superstition is another theme.

• To what extent can we control the future?

We can control the future to the highest extent, it is us who can decide what is in store for us. Everything is in our hands, and one little move could jeopardise a lot.

• How superstitious are you? Do you have any good luck rituals that you perform before important occasions?

I'm not very superstitious, I do believe people can jinx other things though. I don't have any good luck rituals, I just go with the flow and see what happens.

• Do you watch for omens before important events?

I have watched for omens from time to time, but it doesn't happen very often. I do believe in coincidences and fate.

• Do you read your horoscope every day, and do you follow its advice?

I don't read it daily but about three times a week. I read it at the end of the day, and whatever is usually written in my horoscope does actually come true. It is crazy how they know exactly whats going to happen. But I don't follow its advice sometimes, and it doesn't always end up very good.